Monday, March 5, 2012

Sea Turtle Migration

Read about the new discovery in Sea Turtle migration.  Post a paragraph about the article.



  1. I think this article is interesting because I never really knew anything about sea turtle. It is cool how they travel extremely far distances just to lay eggs. I also think it is cool that the sea turtles grow up in Bermuda. In jealous of the scientist who get to go there and study them. I think that we need to devote more time into the study of sea turtles. They are very interesting animals and can help us learn more about the ocean.

  2. I think this article is very unique because I learned sea turtles are very differnt than other sea creatures. I think is it very interesting how they grow up in Bermuda and start of very small then grow overtime then move on to different adult habitats. I also think it is cool how just to lay eggs they haft to travel very far distances and also that is a way they can stay away from there preditors. I overall think sea turtles should be studied more often. I would love to learn more about them. They are amazing animals and can help people become more involved with there ocean and sea life.

  3. I like the fact that sea turtles can live up to 70/80 years, it makes me feel like with their age and adventurous life, they live a good life. By adventurous i mean the migrations they do in their life going to Bermuda and growing there. It was interesting knowing that the young turtles have a safe place to be and are smart enough to avoid predators and live their sea life. I'd definitely like to learn more about sea turtles, their anthropomorphic features makes me want to see one up close!

  4. Not knowing a lot about the sea turtle until reading this article, I thought it was very interesting how these animals live about as long as humans do. When they go up to Bermuda to lay their eggs and mate, i think that it is interesting how the mother leaves her children to never see them again. I'm jealous of the researcher that got to study these animals. Not only is this a fascinating article, but hopefully more people will read this and get more involved with ocean habitats and saving our oceans from over fishing, and pollution.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The article about sea turtles states that contrary to common belief, sea turtles have another migration in their lifetime, besides the usual reproduction migration. They migrate to the place where they will mature from small sea turtles to large “washtub-sized” adult sea turtles. Barbados, North Carolina and Bermuda have been popular places for sea turtles to mature (perhaps because these waters are warm?). The article also mentioned that the sea turtle’s migration to their “growing up” destination is very dangerous. After reading the article, I wondered why it hadn’t been realized that there are two migrations in a sea turtle’s life until recently. I also was curious about what exactly sea turtles “do” when they are growing up, and how intelligent they are in comparison to other sea animals. I also wondered how old the researchers Dr. Peter and Anne Meylan are and how long they have been studying sea turtle migration considering the fact that they are studying an animal lives close to the expected lifespan of a human.

  7. I really liked reading this article about sea turtles. I found it interesting that sea turtles can live into there 70's and 80's, and that they always return to there birth place to nest. This article says that sea turtles have another migration in there lifetime that we didnt know about. This migration is to a place, like Bermuda for example, where the sea turtles will grow from about the size of a dinner plate to the size of a washtub.

  8. I really enjoyed reading this article on the life of sea turtles. I was interesting to read about there long migration journeys and that they can live up to 80 years. Also I learned that the turtles go back to their hatching stops to lay their eggs. Each baby turtle is in danger once they have hatched from their eggs.

  9. I was very surprised to find that sea turtles live so long, up to 70 or 80 years. Turtles migration can take really long times and even be up to tens of thousands of kilometers if they migrate as adults. Most young turtles grow up in the warm waters of Bermuda and they grow up to the size of a bathtub. It's sad that so many young turtles don't make it because of marine predators or predators coming as they rush to the ocean.

  10. I found the sea turtle migration article very interesting. It is hard to believe that a sea turtle can travel so far and I was quite surprised to learn that they can live so long. According to the article, the sea turtles migrate back to their birthplace to nest but also migrate once before they mature. They migrate to a warm climate where they stay and grow up before moving on to an "adult habitat." Leisure world for turtles maybe? The article did not say exactly how long they stayed in the location where they were maturing but did say that they grew from about the size of a dinner plate to the size of a wash tub. After that long swim I would want a long rest too.

  11. This article really does show the true behavior of a sea turtle's migrational patterns. Im glad that we have acquired such information. This information fills in the gaps in understanding a sea turtle's life. I never knew that these creatures would have to take on another great voyage that could determine life or death. I thought after escaping the jaws of land predators and reaching the ocean, it would be smooth sailing from there. While maturing from a baby to a young adulthood, I find it interesting that they then must take on another dangerous journey. after they fully mature to adulthood, then then proceed on a journey to distant lands that are reserved for fully grown turtles. Its quite amazing that a sea turtle can accomplish such distances during their lifespan. Im surprised that this information just came in. This just proves that the ocean holds many more secrets that man is bound to discover.

  12. This article is great due to the facts that it shows about sea turtles. It is amazing how long the turtles live and how they are known for returning to their birthplace. Bermuda sounds like a place that i would like to visit in the future. It's amazing how baby turtles are not cared for when they hatch from their eggs that were left alone. It shows how independent these animals are.

  13. The migration of sea turtles is actually very extreme. Young turtles have to survive hatching from their untended eggs and they have to be aware of hungry predators on their rush to the ocean. Once there they have to avoid marine predators. This research shows the developmental migrations as another vulnerable time for sea turtles.

  14. I think the migration of sea turtles is actually very extreme. I was very interested in reading about their long journeys. Also how much danger the eggs are in when the momma turtle lays them. When I go to Mexico every summer we see these turtles laying eggs and there are always people trying to steal them and sell the eggs for money, I think its pretty sad.
